- Open Reference Aircraft data: This data set contains the results which were created in the FUTPRINT50 project for the ATR 42-500 lookalike, the conventional reference aircraft (CRA) and the hybrid-electric aircraft (HEA). The data contained is explained in further detail in the Deliverable 4.4 of the FUTPRINT50 project. The FUTPRINT50 data set can be found here:
https://futprint50.eu/Open_Source_Aircraft.zip - SUAVE data: This data set contains all subsystem surrogate models that are required within the FUTPRINT50 SUAVE version to run. This folder needs to be copied into the trunk folder of SUAVE. For more details refer to Deliverable 4.2 of the FUTPRINT50 project.
The FUTPRINT50 SUAVE version can be found here: https://github.com/FutPrInt50/SUAVE